A flower bouquet like you've never seen before! Fresh Cut Paper is a company that makes life-sized, pop-up flower bouquets all made from paper! Meant to be gifted, your gift recipient will love that this bouquet of flowers never wilts so they can display them all year round. Each bouquet is accompanied with a note card that's blank inside for your message. Excellent gift for those with flower allergies, hospital rooms where flowers may not be permitted, a housewarming or any other occasion that calls for a bouquet of flowers.
When life gives you lemons… send some love! Inspired by the breezy seaside of Italy, this stunning Lemon Blossom Tree makes for the perfect pick me up. Bring the sunshine in with this zesty and elegant display!
Dimensions (when folded in accompanying envelope): 10"L x 12"W x 0.1" H